BCSA Governance

The Broome Community Stallholders Association (BCSA) Committee has the responsibility of overseeing all markets operated by BCSA. The Committee meets on a monthly basis and these meetings are open to all members of BCSA. The Committee comprises of 10 voluntary member stallholders who serve a two-year term:

Chairperson: Melissa Andrae 

Vice-Chairperson: Leonie Wallis

Treasurer: Mark Bentham

Secretary: Rachelle Rattigan

Committee Member: Joseph Kierath

Committee Member: Kim Cleave

Committee Member: Gianna Cortese

Committee Member: Jacob Kelly

Committee Member: Ronaldo Saraza

All committee members are elected by a quorum of the BCSA members at the Annual General Meeting. Each committee member has a strong local association and a love of markets.

Committee meetings are held monthly and the AGM is held annually in October.

